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  • (Ravjul)

  • Ingedients
  • For the Dough

  • 200g. plain flour
    pinch of salt
    150g. semolina
    2 beaten eggs

  • For the filling

  • 400g. rikotta
    salt and pepper
    2 eggs beaten
    4tbsp. grated parmesan cheese
    1 tbsp.chopped parsley


    Start with the dough mix the sieved flour, semolina and salt carefully, add the eggs and knead until dough is like elastic, if to stiff add a drop of cold water
    Rest for 1 hour now prepare the filling.
    put all the other ingredients rikotta, beaten eggs cheese parsley salt and pepper into a mixing bowl mix everything well
    Divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll into long thin strips dampen the edges with water
    Put small balls of rikotta some 2cm from the edge of the pastry and 4cm apart.
    Turn one edge of the pastry on the other one and press to seal,
    using a ravioli cutter cut out the pastry lOcms away from the filling,
    Leave to nest for 10 minutes,
    boil in salted water till soft

  • Serve with tomato sauce and grated cheese

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